Thursday, April 1, 2010

Slackin' on the blog already...I know

Last week I put together an invite for a co-worker/friends son's graduation party. It's her oldest child, so first graduation and she's really excited about the party. I wanted to come up with something clever and fun to announce the event. I also wanted something really simple to that we could use paper and printers that we had on hand and customize it to incorporate his school colors.

And no, her son is not named Ella...I've changed the information to respect her privacy. Any of you who know me will get a kick out of the thought of Ella actually graduating. Technically, she's almost old enough, but I don't think she has the brain capacity or language skills to pass kindergarden—she's my cat!

Ta da! (I really need to work on my photography skills. My pictures are the worst!)

So, once again, I put the die cutter to the test! First, I cut the scroll and holes on some nice, bright white, recycled 80lb cover stock. We ran the invites through the laser printer. Quick and easy! The 2010 charms were an ebay score and we were so happy to see they were the perfect size. We found some nice metallic red envelopes to coordinate with the red bow and put it all together. She's so happy with the result and I can't wait to hear what kind of response she gets!

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