Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kick Out the Blogs!

Yeah, yeah...FINALLY, a post!!! Sue me. I've been struggling to come up with anything blog-worthy. My brain is at a loss for ideas, but I figure I need to get moving on some things. This blog being one of them. Having recently discovered a few blogs that I've found very inspiring, I'm going to make more of an effort to get mine going. Originally, I intended for this site to feature some of my design work. But, I think it'll end up evolving into more than just an online portfolio...but to what end, I can't say. So hang on and we'll see where we end up.

Having said that, let's kick off this post (pun intended) with a recent project—Packaging Design. My buddy Vic is one of the best clients I have. He's the owner of V-Male Detroit Vintage in Dearborn Heights, MI. The thing about Vic, is he gives me full creative freedom—something that I don't always get in the 9-5 corporate world that I'm usually designing in. We share a love of all things vintage, so it's the best of both worlds to me: design and vintage clothing! Vic has a variety of exclusive products in his shop, the most recent being a line of seamed stockings, which he called upon me to do the packing for. Here we have it! The final design!

The image comes from Vic's personal collection of pin-up artwork. He thought it would be perfect and I couldn't agree more. Another fun aspect of designing for Vic is that everything is done in smaller quantities with extremely small budgets, so I love to find ways to do things the most inexpensive way without compromising style and effectiveness.

Originally, we intended to get custom lingerie boxes printed. Once we learned the minimum quantity to order was 4,000, our plans changed. At slightly over $1 a box, not only was the upfront costs out of the question, but finding storage for that many boxes would be impossible. So on to the more cost effective Plan B.

Vic ordered a small quantity of the plain white lingerie boxes, I picked up some full sheets of Avery labels and ran them through a Xerox Phaser 7750 laser printer. After cutting them down to size, I affixed them to the fronts of the boxes and voila! They're perfect! I am so pleased with the result. If you didn't know better, you'd think they were printed. Added bonus of doing it this way? We can change the labels as needed, depending on size/style/color...whatever he wants, it's a simple click and print!

Best part of it all? He's incredibly happy with the results and it didn't break the bank for him!! YAY!!!

If you want to pick up a pair, you can find them at V-Male Detroit Vintage, 23902 Van Born Rd., Dearborn Heights, MI. He's one of the original vendors at Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender, so be to check him out there if you're at the show.

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