Friday, March 5, 2010

Helpin' the Kit-tehs!

Friends of mine are huge, I mean HUGE, animal activists. They never fail to foster a stray, find forever homes for a litter of kittens, help a runaway find it's owner, or provide instruction and assistance to someone who needs it when it comes to the care and health of their pet. I give them MAJOR kudos for getting in there and doing what I myself wouldn't be able to do. (I'm too scared of getting bitten to help a stray on the street, and too big-hearted and weak-willed to volunteer at a shelter. One, I couldn't stand to see all those poor animals and two there'd be no way I could walk out without a new pet every day.) So when they came to me for some design assistance, how could I say no? This is the perfect way for me to help a great cause without ending up with a basket of kittens. This 8.5x11 tri-fold is chocked to the gills with info, so my design is relatively minimalist and clean. The kitty logo is inspired from some vintage artwork I found at a flea market years and years ago.

Project Kitty Connect is a non-profit organization that seeks to reduce stray and feral cat overpopulation through the method of Trap-Neuter-Return, as opposed to the dire trap and kill. They are trying to reduce the stray cat population in the most humane way possible—adopting out tamer animals to new homes and letting ones too wild to be pets live out their lives in the habitats that are familiar to them. There are a lot benefits to this method and if you or someone you know has the issue of excessive amounts of strays in their neighborhood, then I encourage you to give them a call or look for them online.

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