Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bad, bad, blogger.

Yeah I know. You don't care about my lame excuses anyway, so let me just post some (not so) recent projects and get on with it!

December was Henry's 1st birthday (dang this year went by fast!!!), and so we commemorate this momentous occasion with a party! Gives me an excuse to make cool invites too! A while back I had seen a tutorial somewhere on how to make your own scratch off tickets. Didn't know I would need to know this at the time, but I stashed the idea in my lid for future cards/invites/fun stuff. Seeing as we, ahem—I mean I
*I*—decided that we were going with the Robot/Space theme, what could be better than a glittery metallic invite? Nothing!!!

I used an image that my fantastic, photographer sister-in-law Linda had taken of one of Henry's robots as a starting point, found the moon background on Thinkstock, printed them all off on some fancy Stardream metallic paper using the trusty Xerox Phaser, and got down to cutting and glittering! Underneath the "space dust" is the message to the invitee with details of the party. 

The invites were sent out with metal type souvenir coins with the date stamped on them that I created at a local arcade (*EDIT*, I should mention it was Marvin's Mechanical Museum in Farmington Hills. Go check that place out!) that has a vintage metal type machine. I would LOVE to have one of these machines! Check this site out that I came across! THIS GUY is keeping metal type alive and will send you a personalized coin for a donation, how righteous is that? Very! 

I found some really cool silver glitter gift bags at a party supply store and filled them with spacey/robot prizes for our guests. Everything turned out really well, the kids were so excited to receive the sparkly good bags and invites were a big hit—one little friend asked her mom "Is it REALLY space dust?!".  Awwww!!!!!! Six year olds rock!

Creating the scratch off is super easy! You'll need: Acrylic paint, contact paper, dish soap, brush, container for mixing. Glitter optional.

Take your choice of acrylic paint (I used metallic silver) and mix with regular old dish soap in about a 1:1 ratio. (I recommend something unscented...I picked some cheap stuff up at the dollar store and it stunk to high heaven).

Mix paint/soap together and paint an area of the contact paper. You can do this one of two ways, either cut out your shapes out of the contact paper and stick them on your card first, then paint them OR do what I found to be easier, which was paint a big piece of contact paper, then cut the shapes after. In my mind, it would be easier and cleaner then painting on the invites themselves. Less room to mess up since there was no painting 'in the lines'.

Sprinkle copious amounts of glitter on the wet paint and let dry. After everything is completely dry, cut your shapes out (mine was the square to cover the invite details) and stick it to your card.

VOILA! You have some fancy personalized scratch offs! Be forewarned, you will have glitter on I suggest doing this in an area where you don't mind it getting a little sparkly. Luckily for me, Henry's birthday is right before Christmas, so I just figured it was a little more holiday sparkle added to the house!

Here is a link to the original source and a step by step, including photos, of how it all works. Valentines day is coming up...glitter on people, glitter on.

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