Friday, March 25, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

I've posted before about my buddy Vic and his vintage shop, 
V-Male Detroit. Well, every year over Easter weekend, 
Vic is a vendor at one of THE best roots-rock/rockabilly 
music weekenders in the world, Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend. I've had some of the best times of my life there 
and it is an amazing weekend jam-packed with music, dancing, burlesque shows, cheap food, hot rods and vintage enthusiasts dressed to the nines in period appropriate attire. Good times, good times...

I really miss going, but having a baby is going to put a hitch 
in my long Vegas weekends from now on. That's fine by me though, we're having a rockin' time with him at ol' Hamco HQ.

Anyway, the point of me mentioning Vic and VLV is that Easter is right around the corner, which means VLV is going to be here before we know it. Vic is going to be vending again, 
so I thought I would post some of the things that I've had the pleasure of designing that he typically has at his booth.

So here's a variety of products that he'll have available. Starting at the top and moving clockwise, we have packaging for a line of Snoods (which is a fancy form 
of hair net); a label design for Greaser Goo, an all natural sun screen; package top for a fruit covered turban (think Carmen Miranda);  package top for bra inserts and 
clip on kitty ears, and box design for vintage stockings. Everything is printed using 100 lb. cardstock, Xerox Phaser 7750 and finished up by hand cutting and scoring.

Working with Vic is always such a good time. He and I share the same vision and he gives me a chance to make good use out of my collection of vintage ephemera. If you heading to VLV this spring, make sure to stop by and check out some of the cool stuff at the V-Male booth and make sure you tell Vic and Kim 'HI!'.

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