Thursday, February 16, 2012


This might be my first post that doesn't involve a die cutter or a printer! Imagine that!

Anyway, my friend Christina (who made the fabulous b-day cupcakes and moon cake for my son's first birthday) needs a logo for her fledgling bakery business. Somehow we came to the agreement that we'd trade baked goods for design goods. Works for me! 

The ideas I gave her were based on what she was thinking she would call her business at the time. Initially she didn't really have much in mind besides the name, which was Cheesecake. She did want something with a retro flair and also wanted to go with kind of a pin-up feel. I mentioned that while the idea of a retro pin-up and the play with the name Cheesecake is cute, it doesn't really say 'bakery' and also kind of implies that her baking skills are focused on one thing. She got where I was coming from...but was still pretty set on the name. So I got to work.

My first idea was inspired by vintage cookbooks, with their awesomely cute illustrations of various pastries dancing along the bottoms of the pages. I figured using other baked goods would keep it from looking like she only baked cheesecakes. I picked a fun, playful script that reminds me of frosted lettering you'd see on cakes or cupcakes, and added Baked Goods to reinforce the idea that she can make you anything your sweet tooth desires.

The second and third logo were more literally translating what I thought she wanted in a 'pin-up' themed logo, again, trying to make the name Cheesecake a play on words and focus more on the silhouette then on the specific desert. The third logo is one that focuses the attention on a product (in this case, the cupcake—one of her specialties), and uses the name as the 'icing' on the (cup)cake.

In the end, she decided against the Cheesecake name, and thought long and hard about the direction she wanted to go in. Which, is completely opposite of where we started. With more information from her as to what she trying to achieve—we're starting over. And that's good...because now I have more information to base my new ideas on. Once we have something nailed down, I hope she'll let me share it!

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