Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Feeling kind of restless today....too many ideas and not enough focus to pick a direction and to get started on them. Small steps first...so I will update my neglected blog and post a few logos that I concepted a while back for another pastry chef. Don't know why it didn't quite pan out, I felt my ideas were strong and on target with what I distilled from the clients' needs and wishes. Guess it all came down to lack of response on their part. Job hunting is a lot like dating in my book.

You set up a date to meet a potential client...you hit it off. They introduce you to their other half...and you all click. There's an immediate feeling of ease and familiarity with each other as you talk about the project and start to brainstorm ideas together. Time slips away and the meeting goes long because everyone got lost in the witty banter. You leave feeling like you just met your creative soulmate. They share your vision, get your ideas and are excited to move to the next level. As you drive home you ask yourself "Are we going steady now?"

You dream about them all night. In the morning, you jump out of bed and are eager to work without the usual gallon of caffeine. Creative juices are flowing full force and identities o'plenty pour out from your brain to your Wacom tablet. One idea, two idea, three idea, four!! You're on fire and excited to share your work. "It's never been like THIS before!". You're confident they're going to love the ideas as much as you do as you hit the Send button. Then...you wait.

And you wait.
And wait...
A day goes by. Nothing. Huh? "They were SO responsive when we first talked. Maybe I sent it to the wrong address."
You double check, everything is correct.
Another day goes by...nothing.
You send a follow up email. Nothing.

One final and last ditch effort to connect on your part "Hey, it's been a while...just checking in to see if you got the logos. I was starting to worry that something is wrong with my email or the file was too big to get through." (You use error on your end to 'excuse' your barrage of messages.)

"Sorry Hon, just SUPER busy."
Hmmmmm....aren't we all super busy? Isn't this the technology age when it takes 2 seconds to respond to a text or email...and say 'Got it, thx we'll get back to you!'. Aren't you the same person who had a landline, iPhone, laptop AND iPad all fired up and responding to all calls/messages while we were meeting? Wait?! HON? You're calling me Hon? Oh. Wow...whoa...did I just get taken? I feel led on.

As in dating....you can only hear 'nothing' for so long before you move on. "Will they call me back?", "Do they like me & my work?", "Do I call/email AGAIN?" "What should I do?". You feel like the Carrie Bradshaw of freelance. Just tell me you're not interested, you found someone else, I'm not right designer for you, you're playing the field...whatever, I'm a seasoned professional—I can take it. Don't expect me to chase you forever though, three unreturned emails is my limit. A gal's gotta have her standards, lol.

Months go by and you never did hear back from them. You're cleaning out your drive and come across your files. You think back to this brief affair, admire the work you did and think (Cole Porter playing in the background of your mind) "It was just one of those things."

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